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Year 7 HW 2021-22

Wk 2; Look at the pictures by Mary Fedden in this link.

Choose one of them and make a copy of it in colour on half of page 3 in your sketchbook. Using your vocabulary sheet, write two comments about her work.

Week 3; Look at the pictures by Frida Kahlo in this link

Choose one of them and make a copy of it in colour on half of page 3 in your sketchbook. Using your vocabulary sheet, write two comments about her work. Due in next week's lesson

Wk4 - On p4 of your sketchbook, write an evaluation of your Composition project.1.Write about the artists you looked at. 2. Write about the homework and classwork tasks. 3. Write about drawing your final composition 4. Write a self-assessment. See the outline given in class here

Wk 1 On half of page 2 of your sketchbook, draw 6 frames and fill each with a different type of shading. Look at this example for inspiration.

Week 6 Find a portrait by Tamara Madden. Make a copy of it on half of page 6 of your sketchbook. By the side, write the artist's name, the title of the piece and date it was made. Use the vocabulary sheet to describe the work. This is due in your lesson in wk 7. See the work of Tamara here.

Week 7; Find a portrait by Samella Lewis. Make a copy of it on half of page 6 of your sketchbook. By the side, write the artist's name, the title of the piece and date it was made. Use the vocabulary sheet to describe the work. This is due in your lesson in wk 8. See the work of Samella Lewis here.

On page 8 of your sketchbook make a final plan for your Main Piece in the Face project. It should be in colour and annotated.

Wk 9 - On half of page 8, draw an eye, as shown to you in class. Use pencil and a full range of shading. Ensure you shade the area of skin around the eye.

Draw a picture of a leaf - try to capture the beautiful autumn colours. Look here for brilliant examples:

and look here at a great tutorial

Wk 16 Find a fabric or wallpaper design by the Swedish designer Hanna Werning. On half of a page of your sketchbook, make an accurate copy of it. Underneath write the artist's name, the title of the piece and the date it was made. Use the vocabulary sheet to describe the work in 2 or 3 sentences. See the work of Hanna Werning here.

Wk 17 Find a fabric or wallpaper design by the British designer Althea McNish. On half of a page of your sketchbook, make an accurate copy of it. Underneath write the artist's name, the title of the piece and the date it was made. Use the vocabulary sheet to describe the work in 2 or 3 sentences. See the work of Althea McNish here.

Wk 18  Write an evaluation of the Fabric design project following the guidance on the sheet. Use a whole page.

Wk 19 - On one page of your sketchbook draw a long rectangle as shown to you in class. Divide it into 5 equal sections. Shade each section in a progressively darker tone. Start with the lightest tone and get increasingly dark until the last block is the darkest. Extension: Underneath, draw a circle and then shade it so that it looks like a sphere. Due in Week 20

Week 20  There is no homework this week.

On half of one page of your sketchbook, draw an image inspired by the artist Lyubov Popova. You can use any materials. Click the hyperlink to see some paintings by her. Write that your composition was inspired by the artist

On half of one page of your sketchbook, draw an image inspired by the artist Gillian Ayres. Use any materials. Click the hyperlink to see some paintings by her. Write that your composition was inspired by the

On one whole page of your sketchbook; a,draw a box in one point perspective. b, draw a box in two point perspective and c, draw a box in isometric projection, as shown to you in class. Due in week 24

Write an evaluation of your Abstract project. Draw four frames on one page of your sketchbook. Follow the evaluation guide to help you write intelligently about your Abstract project.

Conduct research into masks from around the world. Draw two coloured examples on one whole page of your sketchbook. Add some notes about the masks: focus on masks from Mexico, Japan, Italy, Benin or Nigeria.

Revise for your test: revision is here -

Weeks 29 and 30: There is no homework this week

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