Year 8 – Poster Project Evaluation
In your sketchbook, produce an account of the work you made in the Poster Project. This will consist of four sections each about a different aspect of the project. Write the title “Poster” at the top and divide the page into four sections. In each section write about one of the different aspects of the project. Listed in the boxes below are some words and phrases you could use in each section.
Section 1 – Recording & Experimentation. Write about the initial work done in class and at home.
Setting out lettering Text Styles Slogans Silhouettes Poster Analysis Limited colour scheme Book cover design Prep Sheet Design own typeface
Section 2 – Painting – explain the techniques for painting neatly.
Flat Brush Round Brush Palette Water Pot Consistency of paint Order of painting
Colour Mixing Gouache Paint Flat colour Direction of Brush strokes
Section 3 – Developing and Presenting: describe the ideas you had for your main piece and how you set about making your final piece
Sketching Compositional studies Selecting Colour Studies Backgrounds Theme
Laying out Underpainting 5 colours light lines order of work lettering style
Section 4 – Self assessment
In this paragraph describe how you performed in the project. You should write at least three sentences. Explain what you did well and what you could have improved, including two WWWs and two EBIs. Explain what your favourite activity was. Were you pleased with your final piece? Why?