Year 8 – Fragmentation Evaluation
In your sketchbook, produce an account of the work you have done this half term. This will consist of five sections. Each section will be about a different aspect of the project. Write the title “Fragmentation” at the top and divide the page into five sections. In each section write about one of the different aspects of the project. Listed in the boxes below are some words and phrases you could use in each of the sections.
Section 1: write about the artists you studied during the project. Give their names & dates & describe what images they made and write an opinion about their work.
David Hockney Pablo Picasso Cubism Photo montage Collage “Chair” "Still Life With Chair Caning”
Section 2 – Drawing – explain the techniques you used.
Linear Drawing Training Shoe Two x line drawings Detail smooth lines facing same direction
Section 3 - Describe the process of weaving for your main piece
Weaving Cutting vertically Cutting horizontally Gluing black backing paper Over/Under Long scissor cuts Scissors One strip at a time.
Section 4 – Painting: describe how you painted your Main Piece
Gouache paint Painting neatly Tip of the brush colour combinations Colour studies No 8 Round Brush Red/Green Blue/Orange Yellow/Purple Neutral colour background Wash technique Mop Brush Complimentary colours Turning the paper round
Section 5 – Self assessment - In this paragraph, describe how you think you did in the project. You should write two WWW sentences and two EBIs. Explain what you did well and what you think you could have done better. Describe your favourite activity.
C. Coultart 2010-2019
Week 24
Y8 Fragmentation Evaluation