You must become familiar with... The Basic Elements of Art:
You must understand the term COMPOSITION:
It means: "the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art. It can be thought of as the organization of the elements of art."
The term composition means 'putting together.' It is often used interchangeably with various terms such as design, form, visual ordering, or formal structure,
You must be familiar with the creative process: RED-P
In the test you will be asked to write about this process, giving 3 examples of what you could do at each stage.
In the RECORDING phase you could, for example;
make an observational drawing take a photograph write a description make a montage paint an image make a print copy an artist's work make a doodle draw from your imagination
In the EXPERIMENTING phase you could, for example:
rip up a drawing and paste it back together make an image on an unusual support, e.g. page from a book
draw using your weaker hand try blending two materials together
make an image on an unusual format e.g. a circle make a close up image of part of an original study
In the DEVELOPMENT phase you could, for example;
Make a series of the same image using different materials
Join two of your studies to make a new composition
Make a new version of one of your studies using bright colours
Make several compositional studies of the same idea
Add a decorative background
make a series of increasingly complex prints
In the PRESENTATION phase you should choose your most successful study and, for example;
make a larger version make a version using a range of materials, handled skilfully
make a more detailed version paint the image extremely neatly
master the shading in a drawing successfully use overlapping layers
In the test you will draw three boxes in three dimensions
You will then develop an idea for a main piece on the theme of urban streets
For the test you should revise the artists you have studied this year: Nathan Bowen. Stephen Wiltshire. Romare Bearden, Faith Ringgold, David Hockney, Pablo Picasso and Allison Glancey, You will need to describe their work.
C. Coultart 2010-2019
Y8 Revision - Summer 2024