Week 11 W/B Mon 29th Nov 2021
C. Coultart 2010-2019
In your sketchbook, produce an account of the work you have done this term. Put a light background down on one page of your sketchbook. Write the title “Pop Portrait” at the top and divide the page into five sections. In each section write about one of the different aspects of the project. In the boxes below are some words and phrases you could use in each of the sections.
Section 1 – Artists links: Write about the artists you studied in this project. Andy Warhol, Shepherd Fairey, April Bey. Describe their work.
Section 2 - write about the main features of Pop Art.
Popular Culture. Cinema Celebrity Billboards Posters Commercial Products Flat Colours Text Iconic images Slogans Collage Series Photography Flags Packaging Collage 1950s & 1960s. Britain & USA
Section 3 - Describe the techniques used to prepare for your Main Piece. ie making your bi-tonal image of a celebrity, choosing a phrase or word.
Portrait photos Drawing Words & phrases Tracing paper Tracing copying lettering sheets graphite stick
Paragraph 4 – Presentation: how you set about making your final piece,
Sketching laying out composition underpainting selecting order of work finishing Selecting colour studies Black ink Chalk pastels smudging
Paragraph 5 – Self assessment
In this paragraph write how you think you did in the project. You should write at least two WWW points and two EBI points. Explain what you did well and what you think you could have done better. Were you pleased with your final piece?
Year 9 – ”Pop Art” Project Evaluation