GCSE 23 - 25 Year 11
Watch this video showing how to compile a high standard GCSE sketchbook
Check out the GCSE Art Handbook here:
Holiday Homework
Holiday homework - Read the Mock Exam Paper given in class.
Choose a theme.
On page 41 of your sketchbook, make a title page:
On Page 42 make a monochrome Mark Making sheet
On Page 43 make a colour exploration sheet
On Page 44 make an artists study.
See GCSE Handbook for guidance
See here for excellent examples of GCSE sketchbooks:
Week 6 Homework. : on page 53 and 54 make a series of studies towards a 3rd developed piece of work you will make in class. Use COLOUR
Remember: layering, backgrounds & multiple materials. Due Monday 14th Oct
Week 5 Homework. : on page 51 and 52 make a series of studies towards a 2nd developed piece of work you will make in class. Use greyscale monochrome only (ie black white and grey)
Remember: layering, backgrounds & multiple materials.
Due Monday 7th Oct
Week 4 Homework. : on page 49 and 50 make a series of studies towards a developed piece of work you will make in class.
Remember: layering, backgrounds and multiple materials.
Due Monday 3oth Sept
Week 3 Homework. : on page 47 and 48 make a series of studies appropriate to your Mock Exam Theme. Make the studies on top of the newspaper and coloured paper backgrounds you made in class.
Week 2, Homework. : on page 45 and 46 make a series of studies appropriate to your Mock Exam Theme. Make the studies on top of the tissue paper backgrounds you made in class.
Week 1, Homework. : Catch-up week.
Check you have completed all the holiday tasks and respond to teacher comments.
Week 32 - On page 33 and 34 continue with new studies in the "Urban Environment project. Also Catch up with incomplete previous work in the Project;
Due Tuesday 25th June
Week 31 - Continue with new studies in the "Urban Environment project on page 32. Also Catch up with incomplete previous work in the Project;
Due Tuesday 18th June
Week 30 - On page 31 of your sketchbook paste a newspaper background and a brown paper background and on each make a study for your Urban Project. Also, catch up with incomplete previous work in the Urban Art Project; Due Tuesday 11th June
Week 29 - Test week; No homework
Week 28 - Develop your final piece plan in an annotated sketch study on pages 29 and 30. The study should show the materials you plan to use and the processes or techniques: Due Monday 20th May
Week 27 - Choose one of your ideas for a main piece and develop it through a series of studies on page 28 of your sketchbook: Due Tuesday 14th May.
Week 26 - Consolidation week: Make sure you complete and improve the homework tasks in the Urban project. Due Tuesday 7th May.
Week 25 - On page 27 of your sketchbook make four sketch studies that develop ideas for a Main Piece in the Urban project. Due Tuesday30th April
Week 24 - Draw 2 pages of studies of buildings and street scenes from around where you live.
Due: Wednesday 24th April
Week 22- Make an Artist Study on the work of Emmie van Biervliet See here for resources
Due: Monday 18th March
Week 21- Make an Artist Study on the work of Ian Murphy. See here for resources
Due: Tuesday 12th March
Week 20 - Draw a range of brick wall studies, concentrating on texture and colour. See here for resources
Due: Tuesday 5th March
Week 18 - Draw your gridded portrait as shown to you in class. Use a full range of shading.
Due: Tuesday 20th Feb
Week 19 - Take 9 photographs of urban textures and surfaces - eg brick walls, paving stones,
Due: Tuesday 27th Feb
Week 17 - Make a gridded sheet of paper as shown to you in class. Select an image for your gridded portrait. Due: Tuesday 6th Feb
Week 16 - copy the portrait called the Sharecropper by Elizabeth Catlett. Do this on the paper given to you in class. If you have already done this - find your own black and white portrait by an artist and make a copy of it, concentrating on line.
Week 14 - research portrait photography. Find 4 images in black and white that show high contrast. Copy them onto an A4 word document and print it or send it to Mr Coultart. See examples of photos here:
Week 15 - copy a portrait by Alison Lambert. See the examples in the hyperlink or conduct your own research. Do this on spare A4 paper
Week 12 - On page 14 of your sketchbook, make an artist study of an artist that uses text and images in their work. See this link for examples or do your own independent research
Week 11 - Catch-up Week continued. Please ensure you are up-to-date with your homework. You should be up to page 13 of your sketchbook.. Make any corrections and respond to teacher suggestions.
Week 10 - Catch-up Week. Please ensure you are up-to-date with your homework. You should be up to page 13 of your sketchbook.. Make any corrections and respond to teacher suggestions.
Week 9 - On page 12 and 13 of your sketchbook develop your initial ideas for a main piece in the Text and Image project. These will be developed in class in week 10
Week 8 - On page 11 of your sketchbook start your initial ideas for a main piece in the Text and Image project. These will be developed in class in week 9
Week 7 - Plan a piece of work on page 10 of your sketchbook. This will be made in the first week after half term
Week 6 On page 8 draw a packet of crisps/snacks. ensure you include the lettering on it. Use pencil shading only. Additionally, plan a piece of work on page 9. This will be made in the first week after half term.
Week 5 On page 7 draw an object from the kitchen cupboard. A jar, packet or bottle that has lettering on it. Use colour.
Week 4
Have a look at the images by Gerald Williams in the link below. Make note of the main components of the pictures, for example, faces, words, phrases and bright colours and on Page 5 of your sketchbook, make your own image or images inspired by what you see.
Week 2
Copy an image Tom Phillips from here;
Add information about Tom Phillips from here
Work on Page 3
WEEK 1 On Page 2
1) copy an image by Barbara Kruger and write information about her
See images by Kruger here:
See information about Kruger here:
2) On Page 1: Make your own image that explores text and image.