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Year 7 Page

Year 7 Summer Holiday Challenge - Make a flick book. Bring it in September!
See how to make a flick book here:

This week's Homework

Week 16 - 

 -  Look at the paintings of Bridget Riley. Select one and make an image in response to it. You can copy it or use her technique to make one like it. Do this on half of P15 of your book. Write "Inspired by Bridget Riley" under your image     Due Tuesday 28th Jan

Week 15 - 

 -  Look at the paintings of Jackson Pollock. Select one and make an image in response to it. You can copy it or use his drip technique to make one like it. Do this on half of P15 of your book. Write "Inspired by Jackson Pollock" under your image     Due Tuesday 21st Jan

Week 14 -  Look at the designs of Kente and Kashmiri Fabrics:  Select one of each style and make a copy of it on half of Page 12 of your sketchbook. Concentrate of proportion and colour matching. Write the name of the style under your drawing

Due in your lesson in Week 15

Wk 13 - Catch up week. Ensure that you have completed all the tasks set this term for homework. Respond to teacher comments. Add your own writing, particularly the names of the artists you have studied.

CHALLENGE : In the back of your sketchbook draw a kitchen utensil, like, for example, a whisk, can opener or a corkscrew

Week 12 -  Look at the work of Althea McNish; Select one picture and make a copy of it on half of Page 11 of your sketchbook. Concentrate of proportion and colour matching. Write the designer's name and make a comment about her work.


Week 11 -  Look at the work of Hanna Werning; Select one picture and make a copy of it on half of Page 11 of your sketchbook. Concentrate of proportion and colour matching. Write the designer's name and make a comment about her work.


Wk 10 - there is no homework this week

Wk 9 - On page 9 of your sketchbook write an evaluation of your FACE project. Fill the entire page and follow the guidance set out in class. See the Evaluation sheet below

Wk 8 - Research an artist that made portraits. Find an example and copy it on half of page 8, . Use pencil, colour and a full range of shading. Write 3 pieces of information about the portrait and the artist. Do your own research of choose an example from here:  


Week 7 Homework

Catch-up Week: Complete any unfinished homework pieces. Improve your work. Respond to teacher comments.

Wk 6 - On Page 8 of your sketchbook, sketch your final plan for a Main Piece in the "Face" project. The design should be in a frame and coloured. Annotate it. Due Tuesday 15th Oct

Wk 5 - On half of page 5, draw an eye, as shown to you in class. Use pencil and a full range of shading. Ensure you shade the area of skin around the eye. Due on Mon 7th Oct

Wk 4 Study the portraits by Tamara Madden here:
Choose one and copy it on half of page 3 in your sketchbook. Write at least 2 sentences about the picture; comment on colour, expression, style, realism.

Due Tuesday 1st Oct

Wk 3 Study the portraits by Samella Lewis here:
Choose one and copy it on half of page  3  in your sketchbook. Write at least 2 sentences about the picture; comment on colour, expression, style, realism.

Wk 2  Study the pictures by Emma Dibben here:
choose one and draw it on the top  half of page 2 in your sketchbook. Add detail like you can see in Emma Dibben's pieces.

Wk 1 On half of page 2 of your sketchbook, draw 6 frames and fill each with a different type of shading. Look at this example for inspiration.

Wk 9 and 10 - On page 9 of your sketchbook write an evaluation of your FACE project. Fill the entire page and follow the guidance set out in class. See the Evaluation sheet below

Due on Tuesday 28th Nov

Wk 3 Study the pictures by Mary Fedden here
Choose one of them and make a copy of it in colour on half of page 3 in your sketchbook. Using your vocabulary sheet, write two comments about her work.

Week 4 Homework

Catch-up Week: Complete any unfinished homework pieces. Improve your work. Respond to teacher comments.​

Wk 11- On a sheet of paper, practise for your test later this week. You will be drawing a fabric design as shown in class.

Due; 7& on  Thursday 30th Nov     7A on Friday 1st Dec

Week 13 -  Draw a cartoon on the theme of "Heroes from History". Use the Proforma given to you in Class. The best entries will be sent to the ISA Cartoon Competition.

Due Monday 8th Jan 2024  This homework is optional

Week 12 Homework

Catch-up Week: Complete any unfinished homework pieces. Improve your work. Respond to teacher comments.

Week 14 Homework

Catch-up Week: Complete any unfinished homework pieces. Improve your work. Respond to teacher comments.

Week 15 -  Look at the work of Althea McNish and Hanna Werning; Select one of the artists, then choose one picture and make a copy of it on half of Page 12 of your sketchbook. Concentrate of proportion and colour matching. Write the designer's name and make a comment about her work.

Due Friday 26th Jan

Week 16 -  Look at the designs of Kente and Kashmiri Fabrics:  Select one of each style and make a copy of it on half of Page 12 of your sketchbook. Concentrate of proportion and colour matching. Write the name of the style under your drawing

Due Tuesday 30th Jan

Week 17 -  Look at the paintings of Jackson Pollock. Select one and make an image in response to it. You can copy it or use his drip technique to make one like it. Do this on half of P15 of your book. Write "Inspired by Jackson Pollock" under your image     Due Friday 9th Feb

Week 18 -  There is no homework set this week.

Week 19 -  Chose 2 masks from this board and copy them onto half of Page 18 of your sketchbook

Week 20 -  There is no mandatory homework this week;

Challenge; take some photographs of the sky - look at sunsets, sunrises and cloud formations

Week 21 -  On page 18 of your sketchbook, design a mask. You can take your inspiration from any source but focus on Shape, Colour, quality of Line, Pattern and use of light tones and dark.

Due Friday 15th March

Week 22 -  There is no homework this week:

OPTIONAL challenge: Draw some 3-D Lettering. Check here for ideas, or search the internet.

Do it on a piece of paper and hand it in next week.

Week 23 -  Fill half of page 20 of your sketchbook with a mixture of Australian Aborigine symbols and your own invented symbols. Distinguish between them and label them. See the link for examples of Aborigine symbols.


Due: 7& Thursday 21st March         7A Friday 22nd March

Week 24- There is no homework this week

Week 25 - Select a rectangular section from Grayson Perry's "Map of Days" and copy it on half of page 21 of your sketchbook. Focus on detail and accuracy. Pay attention to matching the tones.

Due on Friday 3rd May

Week 26 - This is a catch up week - please make sure you have completed all the homework tasks in the "Map of Life" project. 

Week 27 and 28 - Revise for your test

Week 29 - Test Week - no homework

Week 28 LESSON  - Write your Map of Life EVALUATION. See guidance HERE


Week 30 + 31 + 32

                  Independent Research Project:

You are to research how artists make landscape pictures that appear to recede into the distance. The technique is called Aerial Perspective. Find some examples and make a Powerpoint presentation that includes some images and the main aspects of Aerial Perspective. You should include images and words. Guidelines - make 3 - 5 slides.

Grading - Distinction, Merit, Pass, Fail

Due on Tuesday 25th June


Week 24 - On half of page 23 of your sketchbook copy 2 of the masks in this link.                          Ensure that one is from Nigeria and one from Japan,  pencil or colour.

Week 25 - On the other half of page 23 of your sketchbook copy 2 more of the masks in this link

.                           Ensure that one is from Mexico and one from Italy,  Use pencil or colour.

Week 26 - On page 24 of your sketchbook copy 2 of the masks in this link.  invent a mask of your own design. you can look here for idea:                                        Use any materials.

Week 27 - On page 25 write an evaluation for the Mask project.

Wk 28 On P26, draw a pair of scissors - try to capture the full tonal effect to achieve a sense of 3-D

Look here for brilliant examples:

Wk 29 - On one half of Page 27, draw a plan view of one floor of your home. Include fixtures, furniture, windows doors, architectural features and decoration. See here for ideas:

Watch this video for a demonstration:

Wk 30 - On one half of Page 27, draw a map of the area around your home. Include roads, trees, gardens, rooftops, architectural features and street furniture. See here for ideas:

Watch this video for a demonstration:

Week 31, On the top of  page 29 of your sketchbook, draw a frame and inside the frame invent 8 of your own symbols. Make at least 8. ; Watch this video for help

Wk 26 - week beginning 27th April.

There are two tasks:

Task one: On the top of one page of your sketchbook, draw at least 8 Aboriginal Art symbols See here for ideas:

Task two: on the bottom half of the page, Make your own version of an Aboriginal painting. See here for ideas

Watch this video for a demonstration:  

Take a photo of your work and email it to me for assessing and comment to

All the best. Mr Coultart

Wk 27 - week beginning 4th May

Task one: On the top of one page of your sketchbook, draw a frame and inside the frame copy a picture by artist Hilke MacIntyre. They are quite complicated so you can draw just a section of one.

By the side of the drawing, write her name and three facts about her.

Task two: Catch up week. Complete any tasks from weeks 25 and 26

Watch this video for a demonstration:  

Take a photo of your work and email it to me for assessing

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